Pet Grooming Comb

Grooming comb for all breeds and coats

TRM Pet Grooming comb works on all breeds and coats. Works by quickly and easily removing loose hair. Great for unravelling and dematting. Leaves the coat full and healthy, giving it a quality show look. Dimensions 9cm x 18cm x 2.5cm.

Use in Conjunction with Chaminol for that show-ring finish.

Benefits of Grooming

  • Aerating the coat and ensures healthy hair growth.
  • Brushing promotes good blood circulation.
  • Helps to keep grease levels down – A build up of grease can block pores and cause sebacesus cysts.
  • Perfect opportunity to check your animal over to ensure he is healthy.
  • On an emotional level, grooming reduces stress and allows you to build a strong relationship with your companion animal.